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Creating the foundation of our foundation

Creating the foundation of our foundation

“What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles to be sure: but scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.” 

The start up of the Sassy Massey Smiles Foundation has provided us with healing from the unimaginable pain of losing Jillian 8 months ago to the day. It is her way to help guide us through the stages of grief with smiles through the tears. Her legacy and wish prove that out of tragedy there are a bounty of blessings to be found.

We have been super busy this summer creating the “foundation of our foundation.” Taking the initial steps to make sure that we are living out Jillian’s mission and wish of making it rain toys in hospital hallways year round.

I am so proud of how much we have accomplished this summer and what’s to come with the Sassy Massey Smiles Foundation. I am excited to share with you all the stories and families/children impacted from the generous hearts out there fueling our mission. Thank you to each and everyone of you that have been a part of our mission and miles of thanks for your continued love and support.

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