Don’t just teach kids to count, teach them what counts the most…KINDNESS
What has amazed me on this journey is the amount of kindness coming from the littlest audience following Jillian’s story. Children that have chosen to spread Jillian’s smiles and find creative ways of making others happy. So many families have had their children forego birthday gifts in order to have gifts given to our foundation and help fill hospital hallways. Children hosting lemonade stands to donate to research and buy toys.
This week I had the pleasure of meeting up with a special young lady that has spread so much joy to many sick children. A few weeks ago, June decided to host a carnival for her friends. She created fun backyard games (lucky duck pond, dart game, and even a sweet treats decorating area for her guests of honor). She had her friends bring and donate toys or money to go towards our foundation. Her heart is made of gold and her smile can melt your heart instantly.
We decided to have June be part of picking out the toys from the money that she raised. We went on a shopping spree to spend the money she raised and had an absolute blast carting down the aisles picking out smiles galore from the shelves. She is quite the shopper and there are going to be some very lucky children that receive these gifts full of love!