“Spread kindness like confetti”. Kindness is just like confetti… Once you sprinkle it, you continue to find and see it everywhere. Jillian was the catalyst in the mission behind this foundation and she had the kindest 5 yr old heart and deepest desire to make sure that everyone smiled when in her presence.
This past week I borrowed a truck to go deliver toys that have been flooding our house this month. Since the website went live, daily deliveries of Amazon boxes perfectly stamped with smiles on the side have been overflowing on our porch. It’s a sight to be seen and something that would make you feel so good! Our dining room is officially the toy workshop loading and organizing area until October 1st when all toys will start to be delivered to the warehouse
I delivered to CHOP and St. Christopher’s this week. Boxes galore were loaded up by the mighty men in our neighborhood and off I set out to spread all the smiles that have been donated over the past month. You may be wondering just how many… are you ready? 2800 toys were donated in just one month! I could feel Jillian smiling down on what was being accomplished. Here are some pictures that were captured from the days leading up to delivery and actual boxes being unpacked by the fabulous child life teams.